Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15th

Lolz...what I predicted was totally wrong...remember the previous post? I mentioned about having less homeworks? many homeworks given...and I had only finished my Chemistry. Physics? Stuck there, dunno how to do. Aih...
...Then Janice asked me whether want to eat or not... I said no cos I already had my Chips More biscuits. But she forced me to eat even though I said I'm full ady. =.= Ok lar. Not really force lar. Nobody can force me if I really don't want to eat. And I want to try her cooking skills too. Not bad, not bad. Salute!!! =) I bought my groceries ady but I lazy to cook. Huhu...totally different with her.
She was soooo geng...Fry kidding!!! But I don't like this cos it's spicy. She likes spicy food...I don't really like.
This one I like!!! I love bowl full of corns =)
Oh...I'm really sleepy right now. It seems that it's going to rain...hope it rains lar so that I can sleep hard to see rain at here. Sarikei always rain. Here everyday HOT!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kch seldom rain also la...