Monday, August 24, 2009

Shorty post b4 heading for bed

Just a short short post before I go to sleep...or if I changed my mind, continue studying my Physics. Or maybe not...I'm too scared to sleep later than Janice. I have to sleep first, before her. Coz, I'm too scared. Last Saturday after watching "The Haunted Mortuary", I was damn scared. Dunno it was me imagining things or what, yesterday I heard someone speaking. No one is in the room! Spooky!!! And last nite, cannot sleep!!! Duh..duh...swear not to watch horror movie again...Too scary

Heh...I'm wondering, is Form 6 Physics harder than what I studied now? I think my friends back at Sarikei very geng loh...

Walao...finally Janice is going to sleep now...Beh tahan...everyday study. Some people really are hardworking. In fact, too hardworking...

Lolz...totally wrong...She is still not going to sleep. Continuing her revision...Haha...thought she is going to sleep, coz everytime when she put on her jacket and stocking, it means she is heading for bed. problems here. I cannot tahan stare at the books, longest will be like 2 hours?...not like Janice. Geng lor...What to do?? Haih...She can really stares at the book for the whole day...

Next the other problem...stupid coupons...I only managed to sell one only...and that coupon was bought by Rachel. Thanks Rachel...even if it's only one coupon >.<>

Third, I saw my toilet's ceiling, the holes, ummmm not really a hole...the ceiling pieces is idea how to explain. Lolz...feared that someone might put cam...haha...dangerous what...the repairmen have full access to our unit. Last time, we just complained about our toilet...but they haven't fix it lar...but why, the hole is getting bigger each day??? What to do again? Put the ceiling pieces back myself? Lolz..later mice run down =.=

Yah...11 pm ady...should I go to sleep or study??? @.@

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