Monday, September 21, 2009

BF? =.=


And this is what I personally think... Having a boyfriend is such such troublesome. Take for example, my house-mate, she has a boyfriend, and eveytime they have a date, she will come to my room and ask, "What about this?"..."But when I wear this, I look fat oh.." and blah blah...Troublesome is it? TOO TROUBLESOME! Too annoying, annoying me...

Next!!! Ya, I heard many said, if you have boyfriend, they'll buy you a lot a lot of things...LOLZ! Ya,it's right that they will buy you things, but then, you can buy it yourself right? As long as you have the money. So that's why must find a good job which earns you a lot of money. Ahaha...$$

Then, having a boyfriend doesn't mean he will make your life happier. Does it??? Okay, sometimes, it does. But not everytime! And I think, most of the time, they made you sad. Have a fight with him you will be sad again...break up, sadder than ever lar....

And many many more reasons not having bf. NO OFFENSE, GIRLS. This is only what I think...hehe..and just to let my sisters know that I won't be having a boyfriend now. CERTAINLY NOT! SO, NO WORRIES, NO INTENTION OF HAVING BF NOW.

~~I already "gou fan" my study liao, not need to get myself into another "fan" things.~~


Unknown said...


You know how to think well..then I don't had to be least you won't get hurt.

Anonymous said...

another COOL!!!!

salute you...