Saturday, October 17, 2009


LOLZ~Headphone broke is a big deal, ok?? For me, it's a big big deal~~~Coz my handphone's earphone also malfunctioned ady~ So TELL ME!!! HOW AM I GOING TO LISTEN TO MUSIC AGAIN??? I mean like, EXTREMELY LOUD MUSIC, that I'm the only one who can hear it~No other people's voice and noise~ BIG DEAL! Haha, never mind, I'm now searching for a new headphone~and earphone~

TODAY! Finally! Had the home-feel when was like I'm studying at my home...actually, I was doing my homework~ but it really feels goood~with Rachel, Stephanie and Peng doing their own stuff~ Ignoring me~ Rachel and Stephanie in their own world listening to their songs..No one can listen me studying; my way of studying is reading aloud. But I didn't really read that loud until the whole world can hear it. And the noise at their unit is just nice...mine too quiet, either too quiet or too noisy or too stresss~ Totally cannot stand the atmosphere at my unit. That is why I ran to their unit~Dunno what to do next month coz they'al are going back early next month..and I? Dec! Cheh~ T.T

Stephanie sleeping and me, snapping photos~ =)

Wooh~ I'm just so hardworking =) <<>>

Ah Peng cooking spaghetti-a type of food that I get fed up easily with just five spoons of it~

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